Navigating the Corporate Strategy Maze

Uniting Strategic Thinkers and Get-It-Done Doers for a Cohesive, Thriving Team

Hey there, it's your friendly neighborhood guru back with another insightful piece, this time about the challenges of corporate strategy and keeping everyone on the same page. Let's dive into some hard truths and practical tips for getting everyone aligned and moving in the right direction.

Sometimes, strategic thinkers in your company might struggle to see a clear corporate strategy. They notice plans and priorities, but can't quite grasp the bigger picture. As a result, some try to fill the perceived void, others disengage, a few resort to finger-pointing, and some even leave the company.

On the other hand, the get-it-done thinkers appreciate the alignment from plans and priorities but feel that leadership keeps changing directions. They, too, may try to fill planning voids, disengage, blame leaders and peers, or leave the company.

While working at Disney Streaming, I observed leaders with exceptional qualities. They were able to address the concerns of both strategic thinkers and get-it-done thinkers, creating an environment where everyone felt heard and supported.

If you're feeling the heat for the perfect strategy and plan, remember it's not easy. You might be struggling to find time for strategic thinking, firefighting, and managing a diverse team. So, what's the solution?

First, recognize that both strategic thinkers and get-it-done thinkers crave coherence, but in different ways. The former group wants to understand and contribute to the current strategic thinking, while the latter seeks stable problems to solve.

Next, acknowledge that the big problem is degrading trust and psychological safety levels. These issues are far more dangerous than you think, as they can lead to good people leaving and an overall decline in team morale.

To address these concerns, focus on rebuilding trust, reducing blame, relieving people of filling the void, and checking in with individuals regularly. Set aside and prioritize time for a "good enough" strategy, even if there's still much to learn, and establish some stable problems for your team to solve.

Finally, deploy those elements and create a cadence and predictability for your team. Good luck, and remember: Tackling trust and alignment issues head-on will help you navigate the complex world of corporate strategy and keep your team focused on what truly matters.